Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Whirlwind of a Week!

We officially leave for Thailand in SIX days!  It is so hard for me to believe that this past week has flown by so quickly.  Avery has been pretty sick so packing is coming along slowly, but we are getting really excited about the adventure.  I wanted to take a few minutes and update everyone on a few memories from the past few weeks.  We couldn't go without sharing about Potty Training.  It has been challenging yet very exciting!

This Avery at her Potty Party!  She got to have a cupcake and a balloon once she was doing well on the Potty.  She was so excited.

We also got to spend time with some of our wonderful Friends.  Avery had a blast playing with Riley, Josie and Abby.  Mike and I also had a wonderful time getting to catch up and enjoying some down time!

The Girls and their dads!

These are just a few things that we have been doing in the last few weeks.  


The Severances said...

Love it!! I am probably going to put the same pics of the us and the girls on my blog!! I love the Potty Party pics. She looks so proud!

Unknown said...

Hooray for potty training! We tried rewarding/bribing Rhianwen, but so far she doesn't get it or care...not sure which.

I'm getting excited for you guys!