Monday, May 31, 2010

My Daddy taught me well!

This year Mike and I decided that we would plant a garden. It has been so fun to watch it grow. Those of you who don't know me well should know that I grew up on a farm in South Carolina. My dad was a tobacco farmer but since has sold his tobacco shares and now raises chickens for Perdue. "On the side" he also plants wheat, corn, and any fruit or vegetable that you could possibly imagine. They grow enough produce to feed all of Dillon County. What I have seen as we have started our own garden is how little respect I have given my dad. It takes a lot of work to plant, weed, water, not to mention harvest and freeze. We are having so much fun though. We walk outside daily to admire our new tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, peppers, cantaloupe and basil. It has been great to introduce Avery to farming on a very small scale. I can't wait for her to go home and see my dad's garden!

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