I have been terrible about taking pictures this month but I wanted to share a few and give a brief update. This month has flown by. Keller and I flew to South Carolina the first weekend of the month to spend time with a few of my dear college friends. It was so much fun to catch up. My parents came in town for a quick visit and then it was off to Mike's parents for Thanksgiving. We drove eight hours to Athens, GA and Keller cried five of those eight. We have decided that he may be the happiest baby around, UNLESS he is riding in the car. It was great to be around family and watch Avery have so much fun with cousins.
Mike is out of town tonight at a staff retreat so I got to put Avery down to bed. Mike usually puts Avery down so it was a sweet time with her. She has growing pains in her legs at night so I was sitting there rubbing her legs and began to ponder how quickly she is growing up. She wanted to call her daddy, and as soon as she heard his voice tears formed in her eyes. I think it made me realize how I so often try to rush the bedtime routine, and move to the next thing on my agenda. I am missing out on something wonderful. Avery knows without a doubt that her daddy delights in her. She feels safe and comforted when he is around. She knows she is loved! That moment was a gentle reminder to me of how much we are loved by God and how safe we are in His arms and His care. He delights in us and would sit there for hours to comfort us. I am thankful that God has given me my children to slow me down and bring reminders of how much He loves and delights in His children!
oh jennifer. this made me cry. the part about avery and bedtime. there are so many times when i ask brett to do do bedtime so i can do other things. then on the nights i do it i feel so blessed. but to often i find myself rushing through so much of my day that i do not stop and enjoy these moments. thanks for the reminder.
That's good stuff. Thanks for the reminder to slow down and enjoy the Lord, especially the way he communicates himself through our family and friends. Love you guys!
Jenn - just read this tonight (i know, i'm so late!) but wanted you to know it brought tears to my eyes. i can't imagine what it's like to have sweet little moments like that, literally with the ones you love more than anything else. i wish we all could know that God so enjoys having those moments with us. thanks for the reminder sweet friend. it was so good to see you guys last week, but made me wish for more :)
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